Dark mode for Android and iOS? Hold my beer …

It’s quite simple to implement. Every modern browser can evaluate media queries in JavaScript with window.matchMedia() and supports CSS variables.

I added the following to my application JavaScript file:

const preferColorSchemeResult
  = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')

if (preferColorSchemeResult && preferColorSchemeResult.matches === true) {
  document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'dark')
} else {
  document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'light')

The script will set the data attribute theme on the document element (html) with the possible values dark or light depending on the result of the media query.

There’s no need for a polyfill, even IE 10 supports window.matchMedia()

Stylesheet changes is even simpler, since I already had introduced SCSS color variables a while ago. I just had to replace them with CSS variables.

// colors
$c_white: #fff;
$c_dark-grey: #4A4A4A;

:root {
  --container-background-color: #{$c_white};

[data-theme="dark"] {
  --container-background-color: #{darken($c_dark-grey, 20%)};

That’s basically it. If you use SCSS, please take notice to use interpolations to map the SCSS variables to CSS variables. This change in SassScript expressions was necessary to provide full compatibility with plain CSS.

Since the theme selection is fully automated, I will provide a toggle possibiliry in a future release for those of you who prefer the light mode. This can be easily achieved with a flag in local storage and some minor changes in the JavaScript part.